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Minibus Bank

Minibus Bank


A miniature VW bus bank to express your inner hippy/deadhead! 




Choose from preset color palettes or customize your own colors.


    Glaze provides your chosen ceramic piece and glazes. Brushes can also be included in the kit for an additional cost. Glaze Kits are dropped off at your house, picked up from a bin outside the Glaze studio, or shipped. After your piece is completed, bring it back to the Glaze studio for the final firing. When the firing is completed, you will receive a text or email to arrange final drop-off or pickup. Kits that are shipped will have to make special arrangements with Glaze for these final steps.

    ​Our ceramic pieces can also be purchased without the kit. You could use your own glaze, stains or acrylic paints to finish your piece. For this select 'Bisque Only' under 'Choose your color palette.' The price will change to the 'Bisque Only' price.


    Most of the glazes that we carry are non-toxic though some have a small amount of toxicity before they are fired. These glazes are labled and should not be used by small children who might try to put the brushes in their mouths. There are a few glazes that are not safe to be used for eating and drinking. These are also labeled. Glazes that contain crystals are non-toxic (unless otherwise noted) but do not fire to a smooth surface and are therefore not recommended for the area of a piece that would be used for eating or drinking because bacteria could collect in grooves.


    Instructions on glazing will be included in the Glaze Painting Kit.

Swipe/click to see palette options.

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